What is your favorite beer?
My favorite beer is something that is always changing, it depends little bit on the season, now for example I have been drinking a lot of IPA’s. If I would have been asked this question few weeks ago then I would have answered with a beer that has been my go to beer for the last couple of years, the Torpedo from Sierra Nevada. But now I have been trying a lot of beers from Amager Bryghus and have become a big fan of their brews and I will have to say Batch 1000 from them is my favorite one.
What is your favorite beer type?
When I first started to drink craft beers I was little bit stuck with the darker beer styles like porter/stout/Imperial stout, and they still are pretty close to being my favorite. But I think I would have to say that IPA is my favorite, after I tried BrewDogs - Hoppy Christmas (really not that long ago, 2 years) then there was no turning back.
Where do you buy your beer?
I mostly go to H.J Hansen and Vinens Verden to buy my craft beer, but when I moved to Odense I used to live in Sanderum and I really miss going to the Superbest shop there, really good collection of craft beer and good service. I’m also a quiet frequent visitor at Christian Firtal and probably I have bought most of my craft beer there.
This is a little bit different experience for me here in Denmark to go and buy beers, because when I moved from Iceland there was only one shop in the whole Iceland that had a decent collection of craft beer and I think it was only one bar in Reykjavík with craft beer. But this is changing now, at least for the bars, now there are 5 bars in Reykjavík that have a good collection of craft beer, and you can get craft beer at more then one shop now (but of course the shop’s where you can buy alcohol in Iceland are owned by the government and you can not go in a supermarket and buy beer, if that would be possible the whole population of Iceland would all become drunks, they try to tell us).
What has been your greatest beer experience?
I think I will have to say it has to be when I tried the first beer that I had made the recipe for and brewed, the Ormstunga IPA. I was really surprised that it came out almost exactly like I wanted it to be, and for that reason I got much more interested in brewing and everything that relates to beer.
What makes beer so great?
Beer is so great because it can be so diverse, you can always try something new or unique. The styles are so many, there are so many ingredients that are possible to try in beer and you can also play with it by using the beers in cooking and pairing it with food.
“Beer, it's the best damn drink in the world.”
- Jack Nicholson