Endnu en gang er der blevet skrevet i Stovts poesibogen, og endnu engang skal man gribe ud efter sine røde ordbøger, hvis man vil have det fulde udbytte. Martha Wiebenson er just lige flyttet til Danmark og står bag Shallows Beer Blog, hvor øllets indhold spilles op med etiketten. Stovt siger velkommen til og stiller om.

What is your favorite beer?
That's a toss-up. For years I've said it's 10 Barrel's Oregon Brown, but it's been so long since I've had it and I've had so many excellent beers since then. Just to be safe, I'll say it's Tough Love from Crux Fermentation Project.
What is your favorite beer type?
I still generally like stouts best, but I have a definite fondness for sweet DIPAs.
Where do you buy your beer?
For bottles, mostly Mikkeller Bottle Shop. On draft, usually Mikkeller and Friends.
What has been your greatest beer experience?
I might be biased, but I'm going to go with the first taste of the beer my husband and I brewed for our wedding day. It had been our first time brewing together, and the brew day was a disaster. When we poured the first glasses at the wedding though, we found that the beer had turned out wonderfully, and it was a fun addition to our perfect day. A close runner up was my first taste of Sort Mælk from To Øl. It's my liquid muse; I swear it's going to write my novel for me.
What makes beer so great?
I'd say it's the variety of tastes. There are infinite possibilities with beer. The science of brewing is fascinating, and I love experiencing some of the crazy recipes people come up with. I've had peanut butter jelly, kiwi watermelon, chocolate coconut, and so many other intriguing flavor combinations that I never would have expected. It's amazing what some people can make work with beer when other people can't even make a decent standard brew.